Recently my boyfriend, David, and I had my sister, Kathleen, over for dinner. We were inspired to make artichokes from a cooking show that David loves. I was inspired to paint the artichokes, based on their interesting shape and color variation. Thinking myself to be terribly clever I looked at Etsy and found a HUGE number of people who like to paint (and sell) pictures of pears, apples, and artichokes. (Perhaps the Holy Trinity of fruit for still life paintings...)
At some point soon I shall put these three artichokes up on Etsy and perhaps in cyberspace they will meet up with other artichokes and discuss what it was like sitting for a portrait. (Exciting? Dull?)
Tomorrow I am back at work at my sales job but in less than two weeks, I will be taking a week off and flying to Paris (with the aforementioned boyfriend and sister). These next few days will be a flurry of tying loose ends up at work, Parisian research, packing, and stress! Please wish us "Bon Chance"!